Saturday 7 December 2013

Sharing some Marrickville Market love with Maddii

When did you first discover what is now the Inner West's most favourite Sunday haunt, aka Marrickville Markets

I was just scrolling through my instagram feed one day and someone I followed posted this picture of a plate of delicious looking, organic, vegan food captioned "The Earth Plate from the Marrickville Markets" and checked the photo in at the "Marrickville Markets" (using the place location which can accompany the instagram feed); so I clicked and saw all these amazing looking stalls filled with fresh food and lots of happy people!

I showed my Mum and we both knew we had to check it out!

Is it a solo our group expedition and is it a fly-in fly-out or more of a getting staples then discovering hidden treasures type of adventure

My weekends my Mum and I "market hop".  We go from market to market and take our times wandering through them, looking for hidden "gems" - organic food, vegan food, things for my dog and gourmet sweet treats for my sister!

What's one item you simply can't NOT buy each visit and why

For me it's definitely anything with açai in it!  Or any healthy, yummy and vegan treats. For my Mum it would have to be a nut mix or clothing.  If it's "hippified" and flowy then she's got to have it.

What is it about these markets (in your opinion) that makes them so incredibly popular amongst not just locals but those who travel distances simply to get their weekly organic fix

I personally think it's the diversity in the stalls!  It isn't targeted at a specific type of person.  There is a stall to satisfy anyone.  From the vegan to the meat lover, to families looking for tomorrow night's dinner, to foodies and everyone in between.

How would you sum up the world of Marrickville Markets in 5 words

Oh wow! Umm.....Fun, Diverse, Organic, Social & Yummy

And with that final flourish we thank Maddii for sharing some of her love and reckon it's time to get a gettin down to one of Marrickville's favourite spots to shop on a Sunday, if you already haven't that is!

Saturday 30 November 2013

Saturday 23 November 2013

Olive Tree Providores

What initially drew you in to the world that is now known as Olive Tree Providores

I decided my passion for food and healthy lifestyle could also be a business that supported local farmers.

Olive oil also has amazing health benefits and Australia produces some of the world's best, so Olive Oil Providores was born out of a love of local food and a boredom with the conventional corporate business principles.

Why markets?

Because they are the best place to meet our customers and build a relationship with them.  I also detest the major supermarket manipulation of local farmers and growers, so I was keen to support an alternate place for growers to sell and market their produce.

Obviously market shoppers attend for varying reasons including promoting the Buy Australian mantra.  What other ways do you think this message can be given either overtly or by other means

We should encourage our friends and family to shop from sustainable and environmentally sound sources.  Big corporate supermarkets are none of those.  We simply have to encourage everyone we (personally) know to shop locally for fresh healthy food and by doing that we automatically help farmers build and maintain a sustainable business.

The more we enthuse the principle, the more it will happen and the more we protect our environment.

Do you have any new additions on the horizon that we can look forward to

Yes, we are about to launch a whole new range which we are very excited about which should be ready by Christmas.  The new range takes the "shop local" to an  entirely new stay tuned!!!!

What 5 words would you use to encourage conversion to not only organic but more importantly to buy Australian

Future proofing a sustainable future for all  (a little more than 5 words) plus it's a fantastic place to meet really friendly people!


And on that note we thank Belinda, not only for having an amazing range of oils, soaps and dukka each week at market, but more importantly her determination to encourage everyone (and by that we mean everyone!) to shop and buy local 

Saturday 9 November 2013

5 Questions with Bowen's

Bowen's Bacon & Egg rolls have developed quite a reputation around the Inner West. What's the secret (or would you have to silence us permanently before telling!)

The special ingredient is probably attention to detail. Yes we use very high quality ingredients, but that alone doesn't guarantee success.  It's the way the egg & bacon are cooked, the amount of bacon we put on each roll, even the way the bread roll is cut.

But most importantly, it's the people in the stall - that's the most critical part of almost any business; getting the right people.  If you don't have the right people you can't do any of these things well.

Why markets?

My wife started to have children and now we have 6. This meant she couldn't work anymore during the week which was the perfect opportunity to do what I had always wanted to do: set up a market stall.

Always there with a smile, always happy to chat with customers, the Bowen's mob are a part of what (we feel at least) makes Marrickville Markets such a mecca on Sundays. What is it about market life that sets it apart from shopfront retail

Well about the "Bowen mob" first - you can't train someone to be friendly like that. Giving someone a great roll and having a tiny chat can literally make their morning.

On the question of retail: I suppose the difference is that market allows people to connect with the old world.  Markets have existed for literally thousands of years.  It's a much less formal environment.

Rain, hail or shine you are there weekend in weekend out.  How is that for you

When it's pouring with the rain the die-hards still come out.  On days like that you make just enough to buy a coffee, but we're there for them regardless - every week without fail.

The perfect day for us is a brisk but sunny day in winter.

For anyone who has yet to make Bowen's Bacon & Egg Roll their Sunday Routine, what 5 words would you use to get them to get in there and give it a go

We have vegetarian customers - REALLY!


Now want to see what all the fuss is about and why it is IMPERATIVE you join the throngs of die-hard fans who have been known to travel quite a distance simply to grab a bacon & egg roll?

HA! Tricked you (albeit a little late for Halloween).  Only way to find out is to try one of these babies!  Develop patience for that is what the die-hards do, such is their devotion!