Saturday 24 August 2013

Sharing the love with Aletia

You are a BIG fan of Marrickville Market.  When did this devotion begin

Gosh, probably about 4 years ago.  My friend's mother had started running the Chai Tent and it became my Sunday morning/lunch/afternoon hang out place.

Are you a "got my list in my hand, fly in fly out" type of person, or is it more of a "let's see what's on offer" and whatever will be will be type of gal

Definitely more of a "let's see what's on offer" type of person.  Although when I am buying my veggies I love that I can do it quicker than if I was at a supermarket.

I remember one time it was pouring with rain but the veggie guys at the end of the main drag were valiantly swishing water off their tent and assuring me that they are always there rain hail or shine! 

I like that quality in a local veggie seller.

Do you have a fave stallie whose produce you simply MUST buy each visit, and if so, who and why

Well the Chai Tent is a MUST!  I can't not have Chai on a Sunday now, which is difficult when I'm travelling for work.

I also really like the second hand clothing stall right in the middle (Responsibly Gorgeous) and have gotten a few bargains and very honest advice from Telma.

I also like perusing the bookshops, and The Bower is great if I need something practical for the house.

From a personal point of view, what is it about markets that makes not only an enjoyable experience but an important part of the local community

Personally, I know I can go there alone and probably run in to somebody I know.  Most of my friends go there and also most of the stallholders are local people who believe in community and supporting local products, rather than making a few bucks.

I think having it in a community space helps.  There are often people handing out leaflets about various local issues as well.

How would you sum up Marrickville Market in 5 words

My Sunday chill out space

One thing we love when sharing stories from our shoppers is when they say they too are there supporting our producers rain hail or shine and for that an extra massively HUGE chilled out thank you to Aletia for sharing time, love and shopping during all types of weather at our beloved Marrickville Market!

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